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Saturday, May 06, 2006

I want my internet!!

Sigh, so it's been almost a week since our home computer decided to crash on us. Meaning--I am now without computer and internet for the 10 hours Mike is at work and I am sitting staring at the walls at home. Thank goodness Mike has a handy little laptop that I can use when he gets home! He literally sets it up first thing as soon as he walks through the door! Oh well, just a couple of more weeks till we either get a brand new computer or the Data Doctors can rebuild the broken one :(
As far as pregnancy news is concerned, I am definitely much bigger! I won't indulge my weight gain so far but let's just say we will have a big baby by the time this is over! I am scheduled for my 1 hour glucose test in three weeks which will determine if I run any risk for gestational diabetes. After that appointment, the doctor will be seeing me every two weeks. How time flies! I am almost finished with my sixth month (I am at 26 weeks) which means I am entering the third trimester! Mike and I took the hospital tour on Tuesday and we were very impressed with the facility. The hospital is literally two miles from the house, meaning we could be there within minutes for any scares or emergencies! The rooms are all private and quite spacious. They even have cable t.v and internet (you know just in case I want to check my email between contractions!) I've also been reading a lot of baby books regarding developing healthy sleeping habits. This will definitely be a learning experience for me and Mike. More so for myself because Mike does have five little sisters that trained him quite well. Better prepared than not!


Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.