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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Mommy is sick :(

This is just a quick post since we haven't updated the blog in a few days. Unfortunately, I just came down with a cold today. It's not fun trying to take care of a two week old baby while I am sniffling and sneezing away! Thank goodness my mom is here to save the day! She takes care of Alex while I rest and just brings him in when it's time to feed. Honestly, I could not have imagined the last few weeks without my mom. She has helped me immensely and I am dreading the day that she leaves! Ahh! I wish she could stay here forever but she has been here for a month and I am sure my dad is anxiously waiting her arrival!
As for our little munchkin, he is doing great! He had his 10 day check up last week and he is a whopping 8lbs 12 oz! He has regained the weight he lost and even grew 3/4"! He is a big boy and it is such a joy to look into his eyes everyday. Mike is doing wonderful as a new dad. He literally runs to his son as soon as he gets home and even forgets about food! We have to force him to give us Alex so he can eat his dinner! Here's a few pictures taken from my mom's camera. We have probably taken close to 1000 pictures of Alex. What did people do before digital cameras?


Hmm...I don't like this outfit!

Property of Mom!

Big eyes!

I love bathtime!