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Saturday, July 22, 2006

3 more weeks!

The summer heat must be getting to me because I am literally counting down the days, hours, and minutes until our baby gets here! I've reached the point where there really is no hope of ever getting comfortable again. I waddle like a duck and it takes all my energy to hoist myself off a couch or off the floor! I am amazed at how much my body has changed this past nine months, I know the end-product of all these changes is a beautiful baby but I cannot tell you how excited I am to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I long to go back into regular clothing stores and trying on cute tops and pants again. Sigh...only a few more months (I've accepted it will take a while to lose the baby weight). I am now seeing my doctor weekly and so far, so good. According to my last appointment, I am 50% effaced (cervix is thinning out). That's progress right? I won't get my hopes up because I know it may still take a while for things to really start going. We also had another U/S to check the baby's kidneys. The doctor had seen some fluid on the last U/S and wanted to double-check that it had not increased. Thankfully, it had not and the fluid seen can be easily treated post-birth.
Mike and I still have one more Childbirth class to go. We've learned some pain management techniques (breathing and massage) which will hopefully alleviate some of the pain I experience. I will see how far I can go without medication but believe me I will be screaming for an epi as soon as I am ready!! We are attending Baby CPR and Baby Care this weekend. Hey, you can never be too prepared right? That's it for now. Only 3 short weeks till my due date, I'm hoping to meet my little baby a little sooner :)