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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Monkeying Around with Melissa

We had quite an eventful week last week with Mike's little sis Melissa paying us a visit. Melissa was in town to accept a scholarship she was rewarded through a National Teaching Conference. Congratulations Melissa! During her visit, we were able to play a few games of gin rummy, monkey around in an indoor playground called Monkey Bizness, and basically did a lot of catching up! It was great to have her here!

Melissa at a great burger joint called the Cherry Cricket

Alex apparently wants me to wipe my mouth.

Wassup, wassup!

It's past both their bedtimes

Doing what he does best! Being cute!

In the child's fantasy world called Monkey Bizness

Zoom in on this, who's more excited Mike or Alex?

Our big boy going down the Big Boy slide on his own!