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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hawaii Vacation

So, as most of you know, Mike, Alex, and I went on a week-long vacation to Maui. My parents kindly invited us to join them and who could refuse a vacation in such a beautiful place? Although the weather did not cooperate with us, it was still wonderful spending time with my parents, Auntie Abet, Uncle Bob, and my brother Paul. Alex provided a lot of entertainment by showing off his dancing and singing skills, "blowing" away his Aunt and every other person who would be blown away, and generally being the goofy toddler he has become. He loved exploring the resort grounds and being admired by passer-bys. He definitely brought a lot of smiles to the other vacationers.

Like I mentioned, the weather did not cooperate with us. It rained almost 100% of the time with a few bits of sunshine here and there. We were still able to do quite a bit. A bike ride down Haleakala volcano was beautiful and breathtaking. We hopped from one store to another in Whaler's Village (literally hopping as to avoid getting soaked). We sampled various restaurants and enjoyed the fresh seafood. Yum! The rest of the family took the Road to Hana while Mike, Alex and I stayed within the confines of the resort. Alex isn't a fan of long car rides.

Overall, it was a worthwhile trip. Alex got to spend time with his Grandpa and Grandma which is what the trip was mainly about. Alex loved sitting up high on Grandpa's arms and watch the world around him. Now, we're back in cold, snowy Denver adjusting to normal life again. Mike has been in Seattle for the last few days and I am eagerly anticipating his return. It gets lonely around here without him.

Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. Christmas is coming soon!

Here is the link to the Hawaii Pictures: