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Sunday, September 09, 2007


So, it's been an exciting weekend so far. We weren't looking for excitement. Excitement found us. Mike and I were enjoying a nice, quiet Friday evening when we were greeted by flashing police lights outside our house. Apparently, there were kids spraying graffiti all over our neighborhood, including our house. They seem to be friendly vandals, spraying the words "HI" on our front door and a little red heart on Mike's white truck. sweet. However, they were not as nice to the rest of the neighborhood, spray painting obscene images and words on fences and cars. The police patrolled the neighborhood and even went into several backyards with their K-9 unit (including ours!). There were helicopters combing the area as well. We were in our own little East-L.A :) Apparently, the suspects are four young African-American girls dressed in block hooded sweatshirts with backpacks carrying spray paint. They have not apprehended them and I hope they will get caught. It definitely is a bummer to be greeted by vandalism as you pull into a home that you have worked so hard to keep and maintain. Oh well, it could have been worse right? I did get my 15 seconds of fame because I was interviewed by a local television station. The story was also featured in many of the news stations in Denver.

Here are the links:


Unknown said...

I <3 you mRad