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Monday, February 12, 2007

Sitting up, haircut, teeth--- oh my!

It's just been a few weeks since Alex and I returned from L.A and it seems like he has hit so many developmental milestones since then. He has now officially cut his two front bottom teeth after many many days of fussiness, crying, and obvious pain! He can also sit up on his own which allows him to bang away at his numerous toys. Alex is very content playing in an upright position but as soon as he gets tired, you can hear a nice soft thump on the carpet as he decides that it's time to lay down. I wince when I hear that but he doesn't utter a cry or a wimper. Mike and I also decided that it was time for a much needed haircut. His mullet and bangs were just not cutting it anymore (pardon the pun)! However, I did not attend beauty school so what seemed like a perfectly easy task turned into a very traumatic and horrendous experience. Yes, Alex has the dreaded bowl haircut. Not only did I cut the back too short (and lopsided of course) but his hair looks very much like a half-coconut---a bunot for all you Filipinos out there. I pretty much gave up and decided it would grow back anyway and then I would just leave it to the professionals next time. And that's what hats are for right?
Alex also tried rice cereal for the first time a couple of weeks ago. He has learned to like it (although much of it still ends up all over his face). We are going to start fruits and veggies at his 6 month birthday and we'll let you know how that progresses. The little munchkin is waking up right now so I must attend to him! Happy Valentine's day everyone!