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Friday, November 16, 2007

My life as a SAHM

I always thought I would be a career woman. The modern woman who could balance work and home. I thought of stay-at-home moms as mediocre, lazy, unmovitated. Why would you want to stay at home? There is a whole world to conquer! I never knew that I would eat my own words. I really thought I would go back to work after having Alex. I researched daycare facilities. Mike and I even alloted some money especially for covering the costs. But, each day I spent with Alex, the thought of going back to work seem to move farther and farther away from me. I couldn't fathom the thought of placing him in a daycare, thinking of my helpless little baby and the exposure to germs and sickness made me sick to my stomach. I know there are many women out there who do not have a choice but to go back to work. I respect those women and I also respect the women who choose to go back to work because they want to fulfill other goals and dreams. We are all different and I have learned to not judge those who make different choices from my own.
As Alex grows and enters toddlerhood, it has just reinforced my decision to stay home. This is the stage where he is discovering the world and is finally grasping a lot of concepts and I am simply amazed. It's funny how little things like learning how to blow a whistle, stack rings, and point to body parts is such a momentous occasion. I am so happy that I can witness these discoveries. I just shake my head and say "Wow" each time Alex does something new. I thank God every day that he has blessed me and Mike with a beautiful, happy, and healthy little boy. So, that's my little blurb about my life as a stay-at-home Mom. No, we're not lazy, unmotivated, and mediocre. We are working hard raising our children and also enjoying each moment before they think Mommy and Daddy are crazy and mean :)


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